but i have to admit that while it's terrible to see your child suffering, it's also a great opportunity to cuddle with them a ton. i felt really sorry for noah being sick, but i also loved having him snuggle with me on the couch and in bed. it is so hard for me to think that as he continues to grow, his desire to snuggle with his mama will continue to lessen. what a hard thing! and a great reason to have more babies, i suppose...
which leads me to the quickening part of this post: on saturday i felt this tiny one move inside me for the first time! it was shortly after i myself had gotten sick, so maybe the little one was protesting to the violent contractions. but i am certain it was him/her and not sickness that i felt. and since then i've felt it more and more. it's really exciting, and helps bring a sense of reality to something i still haven't quite grasped. i'm really looking forward to stronger movements that noah will be able to feel. i'm betting that will help him bond with this little one too.
Yay - quickening! I'm pretty sure I felt Harrison fairly early on even though they say it's rare for the first baby. What an exciting feeling. It's such an amazing and special treat that we get to experience as mothers. It's crazy...Harrison was so "quiet" in the womb. I'd feel him but not as much as I wanted to. I thought for sure he'd be a quiet and chill kid - quite the opposite so far! He's such a busy and vocal little boy. He's always talking or singing and constantly moving around. He sure tricked me.
Enjoy your tickles!
wow--harrison must really be growing into a little boy now! the teeny baby phase goes by so quickly. give him a kiss from me!
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