today we had our first ultrasound, mainly with the purpose of determining a due date. which is a bit silly to me, since i am 100% sure of the conception date, but my word doesn't count as empirical evidence. (although the technician confirmed my claim.) but that's okay. it was fun to see this little one inside me, wiggling all around, waving its arms and kicking its legs. and reassuring to know it's really a baby and not a little bunny or something...
i had this lovely vision of noah seeing the image of his new sibling on the screen and really bonding with it, understanding that this little baby is in his mama's belly and will someday come out and play with him. that vision lasted about two seconds, and was soon replaced with real visions of noah playing peek-a-boo with aaron behind the privacy curtain, climbing up onto the bed with me and trying to steal the wand away from the ultrasound technician. this doesn't have any bearing on his future relationship with this little one, does it?
1 comment:
Jess - I'm so excited for the three (four) of you! Sixteen weeks already, wow. Time flies. I hope you enjoy every moment this pregnancy. I'm sure it's got to be totally different with a toddler now.
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