so noah and i visited pearl's house on monday and he had a great time. they live a little bit out of town and have a great big yard, a garden, chickens, a sandbox, a little slide, little bikes, etc. the kids spend lots of time outside and help work in the garden and feed the chickens, which are both new activities for noah. and they do more messy projects than we usually do at home (like painting, play-doh, making mudpies, etc.), which is great. i feel really excited for noah to be exposed to difference, and to learn that the world is bigger than our little life. and to learn to play with other kids and to be okay with other grown-ups.
but i was still nervous and a little sad as i left him today and worried while i was out that heather would call and tell me noah was a wreck. not at all! he had a great time and was still quite content when i came to pick him up. he said "hi, mama!" but continued playing happily. what a surprise! i'm so glad to have found a safe, fun place for him to be for a little bit each week. he seems genuinely happy to go to pearl's house and is excited to do it again next week. who knew?
here is his first take-home art project, which he points to proudly on the fridge. note how it's labeled "noah b."--welcome to the world of not being an original!